4 email: info@WISENTEBIKE.nl
As a small company in the start-up phase we are looking for premium partners, partners, investors and sponsors. Does your company share and support the same passion to the next step in sustainable and healthy mobility solutions?
Better for the environment… better for you…
Also due to partners and sponsors we can achieve our ambition as frontrunner in environment friendly and healthy driving pleasure. Will this be the new next big thing in mobility?
Don’t wait, be part of the solution not part of the pollution.
We are passion on the move, WiseNT ebike
pure driving pleasure.
A high comfort ebike velomobiel elektrische fiets gezond brommobiel elektrisch rijden fabriek #bike #ebike #e-bike de duurzaamste de gezondste echt dagelijks gebruik autoindustrie in nederland fietswinkel pedelec 45km #beactive #mobility